Tis the season to be frightened! At this time of the year when the veil between the two worlds is thin, one can’t help but be drawn to tales of ghosts, haunted houses, and the unexplained. Stories that we know can’t be true, but then again...the possibilities are chilling! After all, science may not be able to prove that ghosts exist, but they have yet to prove that they DON’T. So, in an effort to personalize your Halloween, here is a daily dose of spooky things that go bump in the night, and in the sky for that matter. Thirty-one frights of Halloween!
BrowningMountain looms over the ghost town of Elkinsville, a massive repository of old-growth woods, rare foliage, and BrownCounty history. At 930 feet tall, it is actually a hill, but a very steep hill, and the largest peak in the county. BrowningMountain is full of mysteries, most notably the odd circle of stones known as the Indiana Stonehenge, UFO and Bigfoot sightings, and a strange phantom known as the Watcher. At twilight, when the trees are bare, a giant human-like dark form has been seen roaming the mountain trails or on the edge of the summit looking out over the valley. He is believed to be an ancient Indian spirit, a watcher and protector of the curious stonehenge that crowns the mountain. Any attempts to quarry the stones have been meet with freak accidents and unexplained equipment failures. Stories of those who dared to deface the stones are filled with mysterious tragedies and death. If you must visit the stone circle, enter it with reverence, thank the Watcher for his service, and leave the sacred site undisturbed. For this show of respect, the curse will not follow you.
Who erected the stone circle and why, remains a mystery. It is believed that long before white men and the Miami Indians settled the area, an ancient tribe of people lived there and built the site. How they managed this feat, we do not know. The blocks are a non-native Keokuk limestone, weighing many tons, and apparently hand-hewed. The nearest source of Keokuk limestone is around Edwardsville, in FloydCounty, approximately 85 miles away from BrowningMountain. Many scientists from all over the world have researched the site and have yet to come up with a plausible explanation on how the stones got there.
Ancient mysteries aside, there definitely is an odd aura around the stone circle, causing many spiritualists, dowers, and pseudosciencitists to believe that it is built on an intersection of ley lines, invisible lines of energy that are believed to crisscross all over the earth. The air within the circle is strangely still and silent. Animals and birds seem to fear and avoid this site as if driven away by some unknown energy. In addition to the Watcher, many anomalies have been seen in this area such as orbs, mysterious mists, and glowing lines. Those who have visited the site claim that the stones sing, for often a strange vibrating or ringing sound is heard echoing throughout the sacred area.
Here is just one of the many paranormal adventures reported at BrowningMountain:
Just off the dead-end of Elkinsville road, a young man and his friend followed an old unmarked sunken trail that wove up into BrowningMountain. After hiking the steep trail for nearly 25 minutes, they reached a flat summit. Here, they paused to peer through the dense, old-growth woods and marveled at the spectacular view of Brown County’s beautiful rolling hills, when suddenly they felt a strong presence around them, a presence that was not welcoming. With great apprehension, they resumed hiking over to the western edge of the summit, to the site of the mysterious stone circle.
The circle consists of many large light-colored square blocks. At one end, is an especially distinctive stone, known as the altar where many believe blood sacrifices may have occurred. Initially, the young men were disgusted by all the graffiti on the stones and surrounding trees, until they realized that it was a vast collection of graffiti, left by generations of hikers, some dating back to over 200 years ago! As they were musing over what appeared to be a stone grave marker with the etching “Here lies John Baurle, Born 7/31/47, Died 9/14/52,” they were suddenly hit by a strong cold blast of wind and an heard an eerie ringing in their ears. Shivering, they looked up and were startled to see an old Indian man sitting quietly at the base of a tree just outside the circle. They had not heard the old man hike up the trail and had no idea how long he had been sitting there. Tenatively, they called out hello. The old man didn’t reply, but shook his head and looked up at the sky. Thinking he didn’t hear them, they called out hello again. The old man continued staring at the sky without response. Feeling uneasy and intrusive, the young men muttered a nervous apology and quickly walked out of the circle. Turning away from the sky, the old Indian man watched them for a moment and then said, “Looks like rain.”
Startled, the young men stopped and automatically looked up. The sky was clear and sunny, just as forecasted. Puzzled, they both turned and stared at him. The old Indian man smirked and said again, “Looks like rain.”
At that moment, they heard a booming crash of thunder. Wide-eyed, the young men watched as seemly out of nowhere dark clouds rolled across the sky. Hastily, they turned to thank the old man, but he was gone, vanished into thin air. And, then it started to rain.
It seemed like a sure thing. A river port town located along the bank of a small cove just east of the hazardous Falls of the Ohio¹. James Noble Wood, the founder of Utica, Indiana, did everything he could to bring his vision to life, even acting as the first ferryman in the area. But despite all of his hard work, the town never became more than just a quick ferry crossing to and from the more popular “Settlement” of Louisville located across the river on the Kentucky Shore. It didn’t make sense. Utica had many things to offer: location, natural resources, a secure cove, and a beautiful shoreline. Yet, there was a disconcerting aura surrounding the area, a foreboding that seemed to drive potential commerce away. Even Utica’s beautiful Quarry Bluff had an eerie and remorseful feel about it.
There were rumors that the town was cursed. Wood was suspected of stealing the land on which he developed the modest town from three old spinster sisters of Métis² descent. In the Treaty of Paris, the British had ceded the Native American territory to the United States without informing the native land owners. Wood claimed the land in compensation for his military service and evicted the sisters. They did not go easily. A standoff ensued. After days of threats and gun fire, Wood assembly a vigilante party and stormed the house. The three sisters were disarmed and physically dragged from their home kicking and screaming. After being securely tied up, they were thrown on a makeshift raft and sent down the river towards the Falls of the Ohio and to their certain deaths. The eye-witness reports are distributing. Bloody, beaten, and trapped on the raft, town folk recalled watching the sisters struggling and wailing helplessly, when, without warning, all three sisters suddenly froze, their bodies becoming unnaturally stiff. Minutes passed and those on the shore wondered if rigor mortis was sitting in, the sisters having died from the shock of the ordeal. But then, a most unnerving, quite frightening thing happened. The sisters, moving as if they were one, slowly lifted their heads in unison and glared intently at the vigilantes and gawking town folk, their eyes unnaturally wide and full of hate. Then suddenly, as if possessed, their bodies started shaking with rage and the sisters, raving manically, spewed curses and obscenities at the witnesses on the shore, damning them all and their descendants. For over one hour the townspeople morbidly watched as the raft slowly floated out of sight, the sister’s curses fading in the distance until they were heard no more.
Perhaps it was horrendous, unconvicted crimes of the vigilantes or unease over the sisters’ wrath that dissuaded most businesses from locating in Utica, but it was the construction of the McAlpine Locks and Dam in 1830 that finally devastated the struggling town and solidified the legend of the sister’s curse. The bypass canal built around the Falls of Ohio redirected water traffic away from Utica, turning it into a virtual ghost town.
Years after the construction of the dam, another family of three sisters settled in Utica. They lived on the outskirts of town, in a curious castle-like stone shack built on an isolated, wooded hill overlooking the Ohio river. The town folk considered them unfriendly for the sisters rudely shunned their neighbors and made no attempt to interact with the community. And the sisters were strange, very strange. They rarely ventured out during the day, preferring to forage through the woods late at night, their lantern lights seen floating eerily among the trees. Baskets filled with odd roots, geodes, and animal bones were piled up on their front porch, and repugnant smells issued from the chimney. “No Trespassing” signs were posted around the perimeter of the property and warning shots would be fired at all unwelcome guests. It was rumored that the sisters were witches, and the townspeople did their best to avoid them. That is, until children started disappearing—five children within a month’s time. Suspicion soon fell on the witches, and a raid of their house unveiled a grisly scene. What appeared to be human skins were hanging on a makeshift clothesline across the back of the main room. Tossed in the corners were piles of small human bones. And, stewing in the pot over the fireplace was what appeared to be a child’s heart. Tried on the spot, the three sisters were found guilty of cannibalism and witchcraft, hung until dead, and their house burned to the ground.
In the 1950’s, the witch’s castle was rebuilt as a tourist home called Mistletoe Falls. But the business was beseiged, some say cursed, with a multitude of problems. After an unexplained fire burned the structure to the ground, the castle was abandoned.
Today, all that remains of the witch’s castle is the foundation, the fireplace, one wall, and a filled-in basement. One of the shacks behind the ruins is still pretty much intact, consisting of two windows, two doors, and a fireplace. Many paranormal investigators and sightseers to the castle have reported hearing and even recording auditable voices and strange noises. Faces of children also have been seen peering out of the shack’s windows. The most active sightings are of a young faceless girl, around 8 or 9 years old, with long black hair and wearing a white dress, seen wandering aimlessly around the ruins and woods.
Utica, a town born out of violence, seems unable to wash away its bloodstained curse. In 1992, a horrific crime occurred, the result of years of sexual abuse and neglect, mistaken jealousy, and a pathological lust for violence. Four teenage girls lured 12-year-old Shanda Sharer to the witch’s castle at midnight on the pretense that another friend was in desperate trouble. There, they cold-heartedly beat and terrorized the girl. Hours later they took Shanda to another remote location and continued brutalizing her. Three more hours later, they took her to another location, drenched her with gasoline, and burned Shanda alive. Her remains were found the next morning, still smouldering. The four teenage girls, who had a history of stalking Shanda, were quickly apprehended and convicted. Shanda’s murder remains one of the most recent horrendous crimes in Indiana history, and a textbook case on the effects of child abuse and social neglect.
The ghost of Shanda Sharer does not haunt the witch’s castle. Despite the brutality of her murder, she seems at rest. Yet the emotional imprint of what happened that terrible night remains. Witches, curses, and ghosts aside, perhaps the greatest haunt at the witch’s castle is sensing the unimaginable horror and suffering of a 12-year-old child at the hand of her supposed new friends.
¹The “Falls” were originally a series of rapids that caused the Ohio River to drop 26 feet over a distance of two and a half miles. At one time, this was the only navigational hazard over the 981- mile-length river, formed by rock outcrops. Today, much of the original falls have been flooded behind the McAlpine Dam. In 1990, a section of the falls area in Indiana became the “Falls of the Ohio State Park.” It contains 390-million-year-old fossil beds that are among the largest, naturally exposed Devonian fossil beds in the world.
²The Métis are a People of mixed North American Indian and Indo-European descent. The term Métis' is a French slang word that refers to a person of half-breed, mongrel, cross-bred, mestizo, or metif blood. The Jesuit Father Vivier in 1750 first introduced the derogatory term. He believed the very existence of being Métis was against the Laws of God and commonly referred to them as illegal runners of the forests.
A furious spring storm screamed and raged through the little town of Gosport on the night of April 30, 1867. The bloodcurdling wind whipped around the small buildings, rocking windows and doors as townspeople sought sanctuary in their homes and prayed that the structures would hold.
Jimmy Johns, a local station agent, was working at the Gosport Monon Station waiting on the evening train to pass before going home. The storm had knocked down the telegraph line, and he had no idea when to expect the already delayed train. It was not uncommon for the station agent to spend the night at the station. Jimmy lay down on a cot and waited.
On the morning of May 1, 1867, while the townspeople were surveying the storm damage, the brutally mangled body of Jimmy Johns was found at the station. It had been a horrific death. The sheriff described the scene as having the appearance of a slaughter house. The floors, walls, and ceiling were spattered with blood and the room gave every indication of a life and death contest. Jimmy Johns had been a strong young man, 27 years old, and it appeared that his determined attacker had no easy job in killing him.
But why kill Jimmy? He was a nice local boy with a young wife and children. Described as quiet, trustworthy, and always willing to help his neighbors, Jimmy was loved by all and had no known enemies. The station house yielded no alterative motives. Gosport served mostly as a rural rest stop on the Monon line and didn’t hold mail or railroad receipts. So why would someone venture out into a torrential downpour just to kill an innocent man for no apparent reason?
Stranger still, even though the station house was located a little ways east of the town line, it seemed incredible that no one had heard what must have been a very loud and violent struggle. But then, as talk spread, memories of the previous evening came back to haunt the townspeople. Screaming, raging, bloodcurdling—not adjectives typically used to describe stormy weather. However, everyone who had experienced the storm agreed that the wind was screaming—at least they thought it was the wind.
Overwhelmed with guilt, the townspeople demanded immediate justice. Unfortunately, morbid onlookers had tramped through the station before a proper investigation could be made. Under pressure, the sheriff arrested the last man to admit seeing Jimmy alive, Willis McMininny, the town drayman. Never mind that Willis had left town on the afternoon train before the storm and murder occurred. Nor that he had hurried back upon hearing of the murder of his co-worker. Some discarded items found in Willis’ home were identified as having once belonged to Jimmy. The sheriff called it motive, and Willis McMininny was charged with the murder of Jimmy Johns.
Fearing vigilante justice, Willis was taken into custody and secretly delivered under heavy escort to the town of Spencer, located about 30 miles away from Gosport. After a speedy trail, Willis McMininny was found guilty of murder. Curiously, he was not given the death penalty but was sentenced to life in prison. Even more curious, he only served nine years in prison before being given a pardon by the governor. He never returned to Gosport and no one knows what became of him.
It is believed that conviction of the guilty will appease the murdered soul. Perhaps Willis McMininny was innocent, as many historians believe, for the spirit of Jimmy Johns is not at rest. Strange events started occurring around the Monon station immediately after the murder. The bloodstains could not be washed or painted away, and station agents refused to use the building. Eventually the station was shut down due to neglect, but up until 1976 when the building was finally demolished, nasty brown spots of what appeared to be dried blood could still be seen splattered a crossed the walls and floor. Perhaps stranger still, after the murder, the shadowy figure of a man was reported roaming around the station area. The figure was never caught and sightings of the shadow are still seen around the vacant site.
Haunted or not, there’s one thing that Gosportians do agree on—every spring, when the wind has whipped itself up into a furious storm, the eerie bloodcurdling screams of Jimmy Johns can still be heard crying, “Why? Why?”
Tucked away in the beautiful hills and valleys of Brown County, among other forgotten places named Gnaw Bone, Weed Patch Hill, and Bugger Holler, and inconveniently located near the dead-end of a curving, dipping rural road that literally drops off at the edge of Salt Creek, you will find Story, a beautifully preserved 19th century village that somehow survived the forestry conservation movement, the Great Depression, and the creation of Lake Monroe.
The Village of Story has a curious storybook beginning. The land was part of the Ten O’clock Treaty, a trust from the Miami Indians of three million acres of land given to the white man for settlement. The boundary line was marked by a shadow cast at each September 30, running from Raccoon Creek on the WabashRiver near Montezuma to Seymour. The line passes right through the heart of Story and is denoted by a carved limestone monument in the center of the village. In 1851, Dr. George Story obtained a land grant from President Fillmore, causing the President to utter this famous quote, “only an idiot would live out there.” Undetered, the strong-minded doctor proceeded to build his small village in the inconvenient location. Despite all odds, Story became one of the largest settlement in the area, boasting two general stores, a nondenominational church, one-room schoolhouse, grain mill, sawmill, slaughterhouse, blacksmith’s forge, and post office. After the Great Depression, when many people abandoned Story and the other hilly communities of BrownCounty, the village developed a new dubious reputation as a producer and seller of illegal bathtub gin. In the 1960’s, after the flooding of Lake Monroe cut off Story’s access to the bustling City of Bloomington, the village dwindled, it’s only attraction being the remaining general store which sold Moon Pies, Nehi sodas, and leaded gasoline. In 1978, on the brink of collapse, Story was rescued, and in its present incarnation, the whole village now serves as a top-rated bed and breakfast.
With such a vast and colorful history, one can’t help but ask, is Story haunted? But of course! Story is home to many ghosts, most notably, the Blue Lady. Over the years, many guests, employees, and paranormal investigators have reported experiencing unexplained events. The Inn has a huge collection of guest books filled with personal handwritten accounts of ghost sightings by visitors from all over the world. Below is my own personal paranormal experiences at Story.
It was a cool, soft November evening. The beautiful colors of autumn had long since faded and the gnarled, bare trees stood in stark eerie contrast against the blush colored sky.
It was the off-season, and my husband and I had the inn all to ourselves (the owners live in a different building). No television or cell phone reception, just us and the spirits that call Story home.
We roamed through the rescued remains of Story which consists of the General Store and Inn, old Barn, School House, Tavern, Treaty House, Doc Story’s and Alra Wheeler Homesteads, Carriage House, Grain Mill, the old sauna, and scattered old cottages. While we had permission to explore the now deserted village, there was an uncomfortable sense of trespassing. We felt like strangers treading in a bygone century that was not necessarily welcoming. Perhaps it was the many accounts of ghost sightings, but we definitely had a feeling of being watched and followed.
We made careful investigation of the old Barn, rumored to be haunted by a young boy who, driven by the despairs of the Great Depression, had hung himself. The sounds of crying, unexplained drops in temperature, and curious gray wisps have been reported. However, for us the barn proved disappointingly benign and uninteresting. Like the rest of Story, this ghost seemed to have shut down and left for the off-season.
Doc Story’s homestead proved more interesting. Built on the highest point in the village, the shadows cased on the old-paned front windows gave them the eerie appearance of following our every move. Many odd occurrences, attributed to the ghost of Doc Story, have happened at the homestead. Known for his love of the ladies, and having been married many times, the doctor seems drawn to the female visitors, following and pinching them. Lights also have been turned on and off, and doors opened and closed without anyone being near them. When we explored the shut-down building, we found the interior temperature uncomfortably cold, and heard undeniable creaking sounds as if someone was following us—but there was no one else in the building!
As twilight faded into night, a fog rolled in, distorting our view and causing us to envision the spirits of animals, families, and moonshiners from long ago. This obviously was a figment of our over-active imaginations, an optical illusion—or was it? Feeling unnerved, we decided it was time to turn in for the night.
We were staying in the Blue Lady’s room, home of Story’s most engaging ghost. The Blue Lady is not shy, often appearing as a blue hazy figure or heard rustling about the inn. She also apparently likes to smoke cherry tobacco, for that aroma often heralds her presence. No one knows who the Blue Lady is or why she decided to take up residence at the inn. The owners believe she might possibility be one of Doc Story’s wives. A portrait found in one of the buildings of a lady dressed in dark, nineteenth-century clothing was christen the Blue Lady and now hangs on the wall behind the service desk. On more than one occasion, when people have casually commented on the woman’s stern appearance and lack of beauty, strange things have happened. The credit card machine stops working, lights go out, or the picture will suddenly crash to the floor. Determined to have a good night’s sleep, we paid our respects to the portrait before ascending the slanted old staircase to our room on the second floor.
We turned on the blue glass antique lamp, a beacon that is believed to summon the Blue Lady. In this soft-lit atmosphere, we spent the evening reading ghost stories from the many guest books found in the room and drinking the complementary bottle of wine left for us. Needless to say, the stories were quite exciting, and we decided to try and contact the Blue Lady ourselves, as others had in the past, with an Ouija Board. We lit a white candle, said a protective prayer, and then invited the Blue Lady to contact us. After a short period of time, in response to a question, the planchette moved! This was not a trick or hallucination. The planchette definitely moved! The Blue Lady had made her presence known.
We inquired about her history. We learned she was one of Doc Story’s wives, but were unable to make sense of the name she gave us. We also asked and received responses to a few personal questions, many of which have since proven to be true. In closing, we asked if she had a final message for us. Slowly the planchette moved to the letters—b-e-h-a-p-p-y-a-l-w-a-y-s—before moving off the board and falling to the floor. That was the end of our encounter. We thanked the Blue Lady, blew out the candle, and contemplately went to bed.
I was awakened by the sound of soothing music, what sounded like a waltz. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was . Who would be playing music at this hour? Startled, I realized the answer was no one—because no one else was supposed to be in the inn! I quickly shook my husband awake and he too heard the music. Against our better judgment, we decided to carefully check the building for other occupants and seek out the source of the sound. It took only a few minutes to confirm that we were indeed alone, and yet the music kept playing. More curious than frightened, we tried to locate its source. However, after an hour of searching, we couldn’t seem to discern were the sound was coming from. It was as if the music was playing all around us, following us. We finally gave up, went back to bed, and allowed ourselves to be lured to sleep. As I drifted off, I thought I detected the faint aroma of cherry tobacco.
That morning, we awoke to silence and a hot muggy room. Sometime during the night the music had stopped playing and the heat had somehow come on, causing the dresser mirror to fog over. Written in the condensation were the words, “be happy always.”
I discovered this picture on the internet. It is of the old “Crooked Window House” that used to stand abandoned along Highway 46, just outside of Ellettsville, Indiana. As a life-long resident of the area, I had always been fascinated by the foreboding structure. What was its history? Why a crooked window? Is it haunted? I had even considered sneaking into the house, but before I could drum up the courage it was demolished. Gone, but not forgotten, for every time I drove pasted the vacant site, memories of that creepy crooked window would come back to taunt me. I simply had to find out the story behind this house. What I discovered was a rhyme.
One, two, “White Johnny’s” coming for you.
Three, four, he’s at the door.
Five, six, he’ll beat you with a stick.
Seven, eight, because it’s YOU he hates!
It appears that this rhyme is based on an actual person. Back in the 1940’s, a strange family of albinos lived in what was known as the Crooked Window House. Suspicious-minded and sensitive to the sun, they shunned visitors and rarely ventured outdoors. Passersby would hear them raging at each other and the sound of items being smashed against the walls. At night, the young daughter could be seen running manically through the fields. The 16-year-old son, Johnny, seemed especially deranged. Nearly 7- foot-tall and muscular, the massive teen would stalk the highway at night, screaming obscenities at the cars passing by and assaulting them with large stones. It was rumored that the boy was completely insane and dangerous. No one knew how dangerous, until one day a traveling salesman stopped by the home and noticed a putrid smell emitting from the house. When the sheriff was called in to investigate he discovered a horrific scene. The father was discovered dead on the kitchen floor, his throat slit, lying in a pool of blood and maggots. The maudlin remains of the mother were found in the bathtub, the victim of a brutal drowning. Most disturbing of all, the young daughter was found pummeled to death, her body crammed into a fresh gaping hole punched through the wall. Suspicion immediately fell upon the deranged son Johnny who was missing from the home. A posse made a long and intensive search of the surrounding counties, but Johnny was never seen again. For over 50 years, the house stood abandoned and decaying along the rural highway until it was finally demolished. But to this day, locals swear that on especially stormy nights, bloodcurdling screams can be heard echoing around the vacant site and the ghostly images of the murdered family seen rampaging across the field.
Ghosts and bloodcurdling screams aside, perhaps the most common haunt at the vacant site is the house itself. Nearly every person I interviewed initially refused to believe that the house had been demolished claiming to have just seen it the day before! Even after being shown the vacant site, I have later received indignant calls from people swearing they had seen the house yet AGAIN and that I was playing tricks. Not that I can blame them for even though I know for a fact that the house is gone, there have been times that I’ve had the surreal sensation of driving by the house, even catching a glimpse of the crooked window from the corner of my eye. A sensation so strong that I have actually turned around to revisit the site only to discover an overgrown, vacant lot.